Affordable Care Act

Beginning October 1, 2013 - March 31, 2014, community members may start applying and enrolling for Health Care through the Health Insurance Marketplace in accordance to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). To apply please go to

You will also find resources on to help you along the way.

Please note that staff of Napoleon Public Library and Branches are not certified to assist you in filling out the forms or choosing a plan. Staff are not permitted to help you answer any personal questions. Staff are permitted to navigate to the proper website and assist with creating email accounts, when necessary (not permitted to choose the email provider).

For personal assistance, please contact or visit one of the following:

Toll Free Assistance: 1-800-318-2596

Ohio Association of Foodbanks

Neighborhood Health Association

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we learn to better understand the ACA process along with you.